23097559713_9faae5b320_mFor many of you who are not Catholics. The season of Advent is a relative unknown. But the reality is that it is to be an normal part of your Christian life. No matter what group you pledge allegiance to. Which is just one more reason why bashing the Catholic church is such an exercise in futility. For in one way shape or form all of you are attempting in your churches to do or to get back to doing. All of the things we are regularly doing in Catholicism.

The 4 weeks leading up to Christmas are to be a time of introspection and retrospection. We are not to dwell on our past sins. But rather being all to aware of what they are. From this point in time. We are to move forward in a spirit of repentance and humility. Readying ourselves for the coming of our Lord. The people of that time were drawn to the lives lead by Jesus and John the Baptist. Jesus told his disciples that the Son of Man doesn’t even have a place to lay his head down.

John was wearing camel hair clothes and eating locusts and honey. Which was something the poorest of the poor did. They were living the lives that others dared not to do. We are and were unclean spiritually impoverished Gentiles. Who prior to Christ. Had no rights to the riches and blessing of Almighty God. That were imparted to the Jewish people through their lineage to Abraham. And yet in Gods infinite mercy. Jesus Christ is born in poverty. In a manger constructed for animals not humans. Born to grow and die on a cross for our sins. And the sins of the whole world. There is nothing you and I can do about the past.

But there is a good deal we can do about our future. And the future of those in our sphere of influence. And so my friends. During this season of Advent. Looking forward to the celebrated birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.Take a hard look at your own walk. If you have a walk at all. And begin to make the necessary changes . Which are needed in our lives. To draw ever closer to Jesus. Keeping in mind the words of John. Make straight the way of the Lord. Like John..we were and are not worthy to undo the laces of his sandals. But in and through his mercy. We have been grafted into the vine of Israel. And through Him we can do all things  through Christ who strengthens us….Blessed be the name of the Lord…To be continued

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